Monday, May 16, 2011

Where oh where...

...has my little girl gone?


 I was going threw my Photobucket(s) last night & I couldn't help but notice baby girl isn't a baby anymore. It was a combination of that & seeing an ADORABLE little baby boy at the soccer field last weekend. My baby Lilith is a TODDLER!
So... here is a reminiscing post to the last 16 amazing months of our life together as a family.

*You have been warned!*

 (One week old)
[My teenie tiny tummy]
 [A proud expectant Mami and Papi!]
[Waiting on our Princess]
 [She was know as 'Baby girl' long before her overdue arrival]
 [Auntie Paige & the beautiful Victoria]
[The Hostess & host(& Paige) of my 1st baby shower! <3 you guys!]

[Getting closer to my due date @ baby shower #2- Looking like CRAP!]
[She LOVES that Glowworm to THIS day, replaced the batteries THREE times so far!]
[an AWESOME reuniting hug (Thanks again Mom!) with my special guests!]
[My big ol' bellyWearing Daddy's white tee.]
 [Christmas(ish) with Aunt Et & Uncle Billy♥ ]
[My little Indian]
[Posing for the 'camera'!]
[I have SO many ultrasound pictures!]
 [Just a few hours old.]
Her Hair is seriously far too awesome!
& Fast forward to THIS Easter...
Ok i'm done.

I'll leave on this note:

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