Friday, May 6, 2011

May milestones!

Fifteen months, one week, & five days later she is weighing in at just about TWENTY pounds!

-Still my little peanut, she swims in 12month clothes.
- Sleeps threw the night (& has been for a VERY long time)
-Binky is a night/nap time friend (it never leaves her crib) We only have 3 left!
-Bottles are also on the way out the door, she gets one at bedtime.
-Mastered 'couch-surfing'
-Did pee-pee on the potty last monday for the 1st time! So proud!
-New found L-O-V-E for Elmo.
-Only 3 colds in her life (Only one needed a visit to her pedi!)
-We spend a lot of time outside exploring our HUGE yard.
- She is really into her mega blocks this week.
-She 'reads' mama books now.
-Also mastered the art of a tantrum... I sometimes have to leave the room because she is so dramatic and I can't help but laugh. I have sparked a few tantrums just signing 'no' to her.
-We still have not given her meat.
-No, we do not plan to raise her as a vegetarian. 
-She can point out your nose when asked.
-She can say mama,dada,hooray, & hi.
-LOVES animals (even giant overgrown puppies!)
-Still very big into drawing & music.
-We roll the ball back and forth, shes shockingly coordinated. 
-Constantly babbling & talking to anyone who will listen.
-She brushes her hair for mommy after her bath.
We are so lucky to have such a beautiful,healthy, talented little punkin'!
The past few weeks she has been out of character due to her, 
'mean old teeth' as Grandma would call them.
NORMALLY she is a bubbly happy-go-lucky ball of energy.

Everyday it's getting nicer & one day closer to summer!
I honestly cant wait to share it with her & watch her grow even more.

^We went to visit Grandma & Grandpa last week^

^Playing X-box with daddy ♥ ^
(Pardon the crappy quality it was bedtime & my real camera was ASLEEP!)

^ Getting into trouble. ^

All the pictures from this post
(minus the 1st & last were taken with D's camera)
Sorry Uncle D, I HATE your camera.
I'm super spoiled with my Canon T3i!  
As much as I miss a point & shoot the quality is garbage

We have to be up & out at SEVENam tomorrow.
Mini roadtrip to say goodbye to MY grandma.
I'm really glad she got to meet Lilith before she passed.

Until next time,
-The luckiest mami on earth.

P.S. I updated the tooth chart. :]

1 comment:

  1. She's a peach!

    Did yer grandma pass? Sorry to hear that :(
