Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our 4th!

We had a fairly laid back 4th. We hung out near the pool trying to keep cool until it was time for fireworks! which baby girl LOVED. She closed her eyes every time one blew up. It was so funny to watch, you would think she was scared but she was smiling and laughing the whole time.

Filling "her" watering can with rocks.
& tasting them... UGH GROSS.
These next pix are a little off, because I had my camera set for fireworks. Meh.
 Clapping & saying "Hooray!"
 Here she is squinting and laughing.
& hiding... tee-hee.
 Daddy playing with that fancy phone.
  One of Mommy, Baby & lil's new bubble gun after the show!
So much fun, such an awesome night!

While we were getting our things ready to head to the fireworks baby girl was wearing a bucket on her head and talking to it. Shes such a dork. Rob's new fancy phone takes awesome video!

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