Saturday, July 30, 2011

Boo-boo #2 !

 I have a bunch of photos I want to share, alas I have only found one of the two missing memory cards! I swear the couch ate the other one! I wont give up, it didn't go too far, it will turn up when I stop looking!  I'll do a big old picture dump soon of all our summer fun! This is just a quick post to show you baby girls BUMP. No nap led to her being super over tired come 10:00pm & she bumped her head on the coffee table. This egg way worse than the 1st one.
As you can see it only took one cheese stick, a plastic spoon & access to her fav app (a touch screen piano) to make her happy again. It scared me because it grew so damn fast. Her bed time was pushed back further so we could get our snuggle on. <3
I didn't edit these OR wash her face. Oh well! :D
She looks so damn cute, I love that smile!
 She has been slightly CRAZY the past few weeks. Due to her bottom canines making their long awaited appearance. EVERYTHING is in the mouth. Realistically she is only a little whiny & rather drooly, but it is a big difference from her usual  happy self.

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